Different Portrait Poses - Page 5
I have found that if I move the lights closer and also crop closer that the picture comes out better.

With this pictures I tried something that was suggested to me. I moved my main light in to about 6 feet from Sam and dropped it down so it was just a little above his head. I also increased the output a bit. The fill light I also moved closer but left it at about the same hieght (5 foot). I also added a flash at the camera position but only about 2 feet off the ground. I was afraid of over lighting the front of Sam so I didn't make it hot enough. But I did see that it opened up the shadows on the chest area. When I take some more pictures I'm going to try this with the flash set about another f stop hotter. Also I'm going to try shooting into a reflector and also putting a reflector on the floor in front of Sam and see if that bounces more light up in the neck area.